Contact your members, event attendees, merch buyers and more with direct SMS, for free.
How to set up SMS campaigns
To set up a campaign, head to the top menu and click on Communicate -> Send SMS. Then follow the steps to start drafting your SMS.
- Select recipients: You can select one or more recipients from the dynamic lists created for you. The number in the bracket indicates how many people are in each list.
- Start sending SMS on: Select when you want to send your SMS.
- Stop sending SMS on: Choose an end date for your SMS campaign. Your text message will start sending on the start date and continue to send to new recipients until the end date.
Example: If you set the start date as today and the end date as the end of the year, all your current members will receive your text message today. New members who join later will receive the SMS as soon as they join. - Message: Type your message. You can also personalize your message with special codes like name, first name, etc.