UFV SUS's shift from university-led to student union-managed club activities




clubs & associations






When the UFV Student Union Society (UFV SUS) took over club management from UFV, they began using the university’s club management original solution. But it quickly became clear that it lacked the features they needed. As UFV SUS transitioned, the need for a better system grew. This led them to search for a solution like Rubric.


Upon implementing Rubric, UFV SUS could centralize all its club and association activities. The platform became a one-stop shop for everything from member registrations to event management. With features like instant notifications and status updates, the platform enhanced productivity and simplified their processes.

platform homepage angle
platform form submission page angle
Rubric student reports platform
Managing clubs used to be a challenge with Excel sheets stored in different locations. It was a lot to keep track of, especially for club onboarding. But with Rubric, it's a lot smoother. I now get instant notifications about club updates and can easily communicate with them about registration packages, event approval and more.
Julie Buker
Clubs & Associations Coordinator

Features appreciated

Notable Benefits

  • Centralized Management: All club and association activities are now in one place, making it easier for multiple teams within UFV SUS to coordinate and communicate.
  • Efficiency: With Rubric, registration, funding and event management became streamlined. Everything from membership tracking to form submissions could be managed under one roof.
  • Improved Communication: The platform’s instant notification feature ensured that the team was always updated, reducing the back-and-forth communication.
Jump in, headfirst. Rubric is very detailed and straightforward at the same time. Once it's up and running, you'll save a lot of time, gain clarity and improve communication within your team.
Danielle Chesterman
Programs & Services Manager

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