
Managing funding for clubs and/or students can be complex, but we’ve simplified this entire process to make it straightforward and user-friendly. 

Getting started with funding

Creating funding form(s)

Starting with funding? Head to the Forms section on the portal and click on Forms Manager. This is where you can create different types of grant/funding requests and claim forms. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on creating forms, please refer to our comprehensive Forms article in the help center.

Making funding forms accessible to clubs

Once you set a form to active, it becomes accessible in the Forms section on each club’s portal. You can also share these forms on your website or social media channels for wider reach.

Setting up multiple funding forms

You have the flexibility to create several funding forms for various stages of the funding process, such as a funding request form followed by a claim form. These forms will appear as sequential steps on the portal’s Funding page.

Clubs are required to complete and have the first form approved before they can proceed to the next, ensuring a smooth and orderly process.

Managing submissions

To start managing funding submissions, simply navigate to Clubs and then select Funding. Alternatively, you can go to Forms & Surveys and then click on Submissions.

Overview of pending submissions

At the bottom of the Funding page is a detailed table of all funding submissions, which includes the following:

  • Club/student: Clubs or student name
  • Affiliation: Shows whether the club is affiliated, the date of affiliation, and manual affiliation status.
  • Form submission: The name of the submitted form.
  • Reference 
  • Submitted: The date the form was submitted.
  • Staff notes: If you’ve added any notes to the submission.
  • Special answer: If you’ve designated any questions in your form as ‘special answers’, you can quickly view these responses here, without having to open the entire form.
  • Quick actions: Approve or reject submissions right from this table. Upon clicking either, you’ll get a customizable email template to communicate your decision to the club. Add notes or attach files to provide clarity, especially useful if a submission is rejected. The clubs will receive this email, and if a form is rejected, they won’t need to start from scratch – they can simply update their responses in the pre-filled form and resubmit.
  • Actions – Click here to:
    • Edit: Directly edit responses in a submitted form.
    • View outcome note: Check the full notes you added when deciding the outcome of a submission.
    • Archive response: Remove a submission from the table, effectively archiving it.

Viewing club or student's funding history

On the Funding page, the initial table provides an overview of funding submissions, including:

  • Name: Club or student name.
  • Email: Primary email contact for each club or student.
  • Total funding requested: Cumulative amount of funding requested by clubs or students over the course of the year.
  • Total funding approved: Total funding approved for each club or student during the year.
  • Claimed: If your process includes a claim stage, this shows the amount claimed by clubs or students via claim reimbursement forms over the year.
  • Fund utilisation: An update bar providing a quick snapshot of each club’s fund utilization, comparing claimed funds against approved amounts.

Need more help?

Get in touch with our friendly team for any assistance.